The Donkey Kick Exercise


1. How to Do a Donkey Kick

2. Donkey Kick Exercise Variations

3. Conclusion

It’s common knowledge that most women (and men) dream of having firmly toned buttocks. Well with the donkey kick workout you can literally turn your dreams into a reality. This is an age-old exercise designed to target all of your gluteal muscles. Your gluteal muscles also known as your buttocks muscles are made up of a group of three muscles, namely the gluteus minimus, medius and maximus.

How to Do a Donkey Kick

• Get down on all-fours, with your hands directly below your shoulders and knees directly below your hips. Your back should be flat, your neck neutral.
• Keeping your arms straight, core engaged, and knees bent 90 degrees, raise your right knee off the floor and press the sole of your right foot up toward the ceiling. Squeeze your right glute (butt muscle) as hard as you can at the top of the movement.
• Reverse the move, lowering your right knee to the starting position.
• Repeat for the prescribed number of reps, making sure to perform an equal number with each leg.

Donkey Kick Exercise Variations

Straight Leg Donkey Kick
It is pretty similar to the basic one; you should keep your hands and feet in the same line and straighten your lifting leg which should be parallel to the floor.

Donkey Kick with a Flat Arm
For doing this, you should follow the standard basic donkey kick position and keep moving your arms flat while lifting the alternative leg of yours parallel to the ground. Keep repeating this with alternative arms and alternative legs.

Leg Outstretched and then Tilt
It is a slightly different one from the above mentioned 3 basic exercises. Here you should bend your leg while stretching the other leg exactly perpendicular to your body. Side by side your arms should be raised above your head.

Donkey Kick with a Kick
Let keep your body in the standard basic donkey kick position, now keep forearms flat on the floor. Now keep your elbows down and raise your leg (raise over your head) and kick out.

Donkey Kick with Side Kick
Just like the standard donkey kick position, you should keep your hands flat down to the floor and keep both legs in line. Now, lifting leg should point your side instead of rising to backward. The leg should be lifted around your elbow height, keep doing this stretch for both legs.

Donkey Kick with SideKick and Kick Out
Well, the name of this stretch might let you imagine the workout to do. This exercise is exactly similar to the Donkey Kick with SideKick. However, instead of lifting your leg to sidewise and dropping it back, you should do kick outstretch after reaching the maximum height of your elbow. Repeat this for both legs.

Donkey Kick Circle
Well, this exercise brings you slight variation in the basic donkey kick straight leg movement. What new in this is, you should move your body in the circular motion while lifting your leg to maximum height. Keep doing this for both legs.

Donkey Kick Elevated Leg Side Kick
Just like the donkey kick with a sidekick and kick out, however, for doing this your leg should be completely elevated off from the ground while kicking and stretching.

Donkey Kick with Elevated Leg and Arm
This one is similar to the Straight Leg Donkey Kick; however, while stretching your leg your opposite arms should be lifted. Repeat the exercise for both arms and legs without touching the ground.

Elevated Side Donkey Kick
As the name suggests, you should stretch your leg by lifting back and sideward to its maximum. You should do this stretching activity multiple times by keeping your legs not touching the floor.


Donkey kick is not that kind of physical work out that every person should spend for 30 to 45 Min. It is a simple stretching move that everyone can do it within 10mins and suggested to do around 5 times a week at your home. Hope, the above-mentioned information would be useful and it will be a perfect learning curve for your physical training.


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